Discussion of a master's thesis for the student (Hijran Jabbar Hilal)

Discussion of a master's thesis for the student (Hijran Jabbar Hilal)

 The public discussion of the master's thesis of the student (Hijran Jabbar Hilal) of the Department of Applied Geology - College of Science - University of Anbar took place on Wednesday, corresponding to 3/29/2023 in the Jaber Bin Hayan Hall, on a thesis tagged:

 ((Assessment of environmental sensitivity to desertification using geographic information systems and based on the multi-criteria decision analysis technique in Hit Haditha, Anbar Governorate))
 The study aims to assess the environmental sensitivity to desertification in Heet- Haditha regions using an integrated method of remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) with the help of climatic factors and field surveys.
 The results showed that the area affected or highly sensitive to desertification is located in the west and southwest of the study area as a result of the increase in soil salinity, while desertification decreases towards the central and northeastern parts as a result of the abundance of vegetation and the presence of water bodies such as Tharthar Lake and Haditha Dam.
 After extensive discussion by the committee members with the student on the subject of her thesis, the thesis was accepted
 Congratulations to the student, the College of Science and the discussion committee

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