A patent for a professor from  College of Science

A patent for a professor from College of Science

 Professor Dr. Khaled Farouk Abdel Ghafour, in the Department of Chemistry, obtained a new patent entitled: (A simplified method for preparing magnetic nanoparticles coated with palmitic acid). In this work, magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) were prepared, they are Fe3O4 from a chemical point of view, the Fe3O4 particles were coated with palmitic acid under optimal conditions to produce new particles called MNP@Palmitik. The new formed particles were  confirmed by various advanced techniques. It was concluded that new nanoparticles with lipophilic properties were prepared from possible materials use inside the body, along with finding a simple and fruitful working method for coating magnetic nanoparticles with fatty acids found inside the bodies of living organisms. The procedure described in this patent can be used to separate valuable and low-concentration proteins from the blood for use in making kits or as medicines.


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