Discussion of a master's thesis of the student Samoud Nasir El-Din Taha

Discussion of a master's thesis of the student Samoud Nasir El-Din Taha

 The public discussion of the master’s student (Samoud Nasser Al-Din Taha) in the Department of Chemistry - College of Science - University of Anbar was held on Tuesday 1/11/2022 at Jaber Bin Hayyan Hall in the College of Science about her thesis tagged:

      Estimation of concentrations of heavy metals in dust of Haditha city using different analytical techniques

The study aims to determine the concentration of (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn) in indoor and outdoor dust of Haditha city by using different analytical techniques.

Identifying the sources of heavy metals in indoor and outdoor dust.

Define the relationship between the concentrations of heavy metals in the indoor and outdoor dust in the studied area.

After extensive discussion by the committee members with the student about the topic of her thesis, the message was accepted. 


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