An instructor receives the Al Ain University Award for Distinguished Researchers

An instructor receives the Al Ain University Award for Distinguished Researchers


In a scientific precedent and in accordance with special and organized criteria, Al Ain University launched a classification of distinguished Iraqi researchers. This classification was global and derived its data directly from international sites and without asking any researcher. The classification was comprehensive and takes into account the researcher’s local efforts. The classification has a vision, mission and objectives based on it in its assessments for the purpose of exploring these Important scientific treasures that if optimally nurtured and invested, the Iraqi scientific return will be very large.

The head of the Physics Department, Prof. Dr. Ismat Ramzi Abdul Ghafour Al-Hadithi, received the Al Ain University Award for distinguished Iraqi academic researchers at the level of Iraq, after Al Ain University listed his name among Iraq’s distinguished researchers in scientific research according to very precise criteria designed by Al Ain University during a previous period, which is a solid scientific precedent. It counts for the University of Anbar and the College of Science, and the celebration, congratulations and honor ceremonies will take place on March 1, 2022 at Al Ain University.

On this occasion, the Deanship of the College of Science extends its warmest congratulations and blessings to Prof. Dr. Ismat Ramzi Al-Hadithi in particular and to the University of Anbar in general for this outstanding achievement, wishing to raise the name of the University of Anbar and the College of Science in all international forums.


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