Training course on “Antibiotic resistance”

Training course on “Antibiotic resistance”

 The Department of Biology at the College of Science at Anbar University held a training course that included two lectures on important topics in the field of antibiotics and bacteria in Jaber bin Hayyan Hall and lasted for three days.

The first lecture included (the use of modern methods in determining the sensitivity and resistance of bacteria to antibiotics and the use of modern methods to control the outbreak of antibiotic resistance) and was delivered by Professor Dr. Ahmed Muhammad Turki and Assistant Professor Dr. Mayada Abdullah Shihan, where the lecture discussed the latest methods in determining the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics. And how to control the outbreak of resistance to it.
The second lecture was entitled (The relationship between antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation) presented by Assistant Professor Dr. Laith Musleh Najeeb and Assistant Professor Dr. Wijdan Ahmed Ali, where the lecture addressed the relationship between bacterial resistance to antibiotics and their formation of biofilms.
This course aims to educate participants about the importance of antibiotic resistance, and introduce participants to modern methods for determining the sensitivity and resistance of bacteria to antibiotics, in addition to informing participants of modern methods to control the outbreak of antibiotic resistance.
The course also covered many important topics, including: (the concept of antibiotic resistance, mechanisms of bacterial resistance to antibiotics, modern methods for determining the sensitivity and resistance of bacteria to antibiotics, modern methods for controlling the outbreak of antibiotic resistance, and the negative effects of antibiotic resistance on human health)

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