An educational seminar on extremism and terrorism in society

An educational seminar on extremism and terrorism in society

 The Women’s Affairs Unit, in cooperation with the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at the College of Science, Anbar University, organized an educational symposium entitled “Extremism and Terrorism in Society” on Wednesday (March 6, 2004), in Jaber Bin Hayyan Hall.

The symposium included two lectures. The first lecture was given by Professor Dr. Muhammad Mutani Ahmed, Professor of Interpretation at the College of Islamic Sciences, who addressed in his lecture the concept of extremism and terrorism, its causes, effects, and treatment from an Islamic perspective, citing Qur’anic verses, Prophetic hadiths, and historical and realistic situations.
Dr. Muhammad stressed that Islam is the religion of moderation, moderation, mercy and peace, and that it prohibits violence, terrorism and extremism in all its forms and manifestations, and calls for dialogue, cooperation, tolerance and coexistence with others, whatever their differences and beliefs.
In the second lecture, Dr. Qais Abdullah Abbas, a lecturer at the College of Science, referred to the concept of intellectual extremism and the religious, social, and political causes of extremism.
The doctor explained that extremism and terrorism are two dangerous phenomena that threaten security, stability and development in societies, and that they result from multiple factors such as: poverty, ignorance, injustice, occupation, interference, discrimination, incitement, and being influenced by destructive and deviant ideas, and that they serve the interests of enemies, the arrogant and conspirators, and harm Muslims, Arabs and humanity as a whole.
They called for confronting extremism and terrorism through awareness, education, education, development and reform by holding intensive seminars and lectures to reduce these two dangerous phenomena that threaten security, stability and development in societies.

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