Bullying, its causes and its impact on the individual and society

Bullying, its causes and its impact on the individual and society

 Under the supervision of the Dean of the College of Science, Professor Dr. Ismat Ramzi Abdel Ghafour, the Biology Department held a workshop for evening study students entitled (Bullying, its causes, and its impact on the individual and society). The workshop addressed the definition of bullying, its types, and its types. It also addressed bullying in personal and emotional relationships, school and university bullying, bullying in the workplace, and the causes of social bullying. And the negative effects of bullying of all kinds, signs of bullying and its treatment. The lecture was given by A.M.D. Wijdan Ahmed Ali, teaching in the aforementioned department, in the presence of Mr. Head of the Department, Mr. Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, and Mr. Director of the Student Affairs and Registration Department at the University Presidency.

 In the same context, a group of students presented a poster and an explanation about (helping a child get rid of bullying at the beginning of school).

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