Educational lecture for graduate students

Educational lecture for graduate students

 As part of the requirements for granting certificates to graduate students for the master’s and doctoral programs, educational lectures were held at the College of Science - Anbar University for graduate students on Monday, February 19, 2024, in the Ibn Sina Hall, where the first lecture was given by Professor Dr. Ismat Ramzi Abdel Ghafour, Dean of the College of Science, which included: (How to write scientific research and prepare it for publication) It was followed by a lecture by Professor Dr. Muhammad Abdel Karim Talak, a lecturer in the Department of Chemistry, entitled (Scientific extraction of research, dissertations, and dissertations and ways to dispose of it). The lecture was attended by Mr. Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs and Students, Prof. M.D. Ahmed Salman Obaid and a number of teachers, in addition to the head of the graduate studies unit.

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