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Publish a scientific article in Scopus container


Publish a scientific article in Scopus container

Pursuant to the directives of the President of University of Anbar (Prof. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nida) on the necessity of conduct researchs in teams with researchers from colleges and research centers in universities, (Assistant. Prof. Dr. Raid Khider Salman) Researcher at the Renewable Energy Research Center – University of Anbar, publish a scientific article entitled (Investigation of the useability of polyester protective cover for PVDF-based polymer gel electrolytes) with researchers from Cihan University and Salah Al-Din University in Erbil, this article is considered an applied research. In this research, the use of Polymer Gel Electrolytes is suggested, which is one of the innovative materials used in various applications, the most important of which is energy storage units (lithium gel batteries) for renewable energy sources. As well as in optical devices such as plasma LCD screens. The processes of developing such materials require high-precision and efficient thermo-mechanical tests to demonstrate the efficiency of these materials, however the issue is that exposing it to high temperatures can lead to the evaporation of the electrolyte solution, which thus leads to inaccurate results for the examined models. Thus to reduce this effect by adding a thin polyester film that encapsulates the electrolytic gel, and then conduct the experimental tests with the presence and absence of the film to verify the difference between the two cases. The tests gave promising results for using this film to reduce the aforementioned effect without disturbing the molecular or crystalline structure of the material, which in turn means preserving the properties of lithium batteries with high efficiency and high thermal-mechanical stability. The study data and its examinations were carried out in the laboratories of the College of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Leeds - United Kingdom (Britain). The research was published in an international journal within Scopus container ( Cite Scores 1.3).

Publication detail:

Mohammed A.M. Al Saad, Raid Khider Salman, Nibras Mal Allah Ibrahim, Investigation of the useability of polyester protective cover for PVDF-based polymer gel electrolytes, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 42, Part 5 2021, Pages 2084-2088, ISSN 2214-7853,


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