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University of Anbar Discusses Its Future Plans in Renewable Energy in an Interview with French Radio


University of Anbar Discusses Its Future Plans in Renewable Energy in an Interview with French Radio

The Renewable Energy Research Center at University of Anbar, in collaboration with the Department of Missions and Cultural Relations, conducted an exclusive interview with the Swiss public radio in the context of its increasing interest in renewable energy and the future of clean energy, and its commitment to achieving the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 7: Clean and Affordable Energy. This interview took place on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Many important topics related to renewable energy and the university's future plans in this field were discussed.

During the interview, Dr. Ahmed Talat Hammoudi, the Director of the Renewable Energy Research Center, University of Anbar presented outstanding achievements in the field of renewable energy, which include:

- Solar Energy Projects: Numerous solar panels have been installed on the rooftops of university buildings to meet its electrical energy needs, contributing to a reduced reliance on traditional energy.

- Wind Energy Projects: A pilot wind energy station has been established at the Renewable Energy Research Center, the first of its kind in Iraq, aimed at studying the feasibility of using wind energy for electricity generation.

-Research and Development: The center continues its research in renewable energy to develop new and more efficient technologies to maximize the benefits of these clean sources.

The strategic plan of the university in the field of renewable energy was also presented, which follows a near, medium, and long-term approach towards a gradual shift to clean energy, and includes:

-Increasing Reliance on Renewable Energy: The university aims to fully meet its electrical energy needs with renewable energy in the coming years.

-Raising Awareness of the Importance of Renewable Energy: The university seeks to raise awareness about the importance of renewable energy among students and the local community through educational programs, seminars, and workshops.

-Collaboration with Local and International Partners: The university collaborates with local and international partners to develop new renewable energy projects and enhance knowledge exchange in this field.

In conclusion, this interview is a significant step efforts in University of Anbar to raise awareness about the importance of renewable energy and enhance its role in achieving sustainable development. It also contributes to strengthening the university's international reputation as a leading center for research and development in renewable energy. This interview demonstrates firm of University of Anbar commitment to achieving sustainable development through investment in renewable energy. The university is a pioneering model for Arab universities in the field of renewable energy and contributes to enhancing Iraq's international standing as a country striving to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.


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