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 Privileges of the center director

Privileges of the Center Director

1- Monitoring the performance in the center and following up the employees activities .

2 - Distributing duties among the center staff.

3 - Approving the granting of regular leave (no more than two weeks), and sick leave.

4. Recommending the approval of regular and sick leave for more than two weeks in addition to the academic leave.

5. Recommending the imposition of a penalty for under-served workers.

6- Proposing providing acknowledgements to creative workers.

7. Recommending the granting of promotion and promotion allowances from one grade to another for the Center's staff.

8. Recommending the appointment, placement and dispensing of the services of any of the employees of the Center in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.

9 - Representing the Center in scientific and technical conferences and seminars within the scope of its center.

10 - Distribution of tasks and responsibilities among the staff of the    Center in order to help developing the performance of the staff.

11. Recommending sending the Center's staff inside and outside the country.

12. Recommending the granting of various allowances to all employees of the Center.

13. Evaluate the performance of the employees at the Center and submit them to the relevant authorities.

14. Appointing of a temporary contract for the staff of the Center to fill the shortage of staff and to ensure the progress of work.

15. Recommending the approval of the establishment of the staff of the Center in their functions upon completion of the required legal period

16. Signing any correspondence issued in the name of the Center.

17. Recommending that the functions of the Center should be assigned to one of its employees in the event of regular, sick and sick leave.

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