History taking in pediatrics

History taking in pediatrics


How to take History?

In pediatrics



Prepared and Revised by:

Assistant professor Dr.Mohammed Mahir Mushref

Dr.Rana Fahmi Shitran

Dr.Ahmed Abdulkareem



History taking in pediatrics


Patient name

Age: if<2 years write in months

Sex : Some diseases have sex predilection for example in X linked diseases Males are more commonly and more severely affected than females. Female carriers are generally unaffected, or if affected, they are affected more mildly than males.

Residence: some diseases are common or endemic in certain areas. 

Date of admission : e.g. admitted on the 2nd of march or mention the no of days in hospital

The person from whom history taking


 Use patient words like frequent bowel motion for diarrhea, yellowish discoloration for jaundice , abnormal body movements for fit .


 this part include

-Pre-hospitalization history: each symptom should be analyzed regarding ( onset ,nature ,location ,radiation , relieving and aggravating factors , and associated symptoms) . asking  question related to that system.

Any history in pediatrics should ask about ( appetite ,feeding, , activity , sleep)

-What happened before admission  : medications , medical interference ,duration of treatment and response should be mentioned.

-hospitalization  : should include investigation taken, medication, received blood or plasma the progress of illness and any change in activity, sleep, or feeding).


 according to child age

-Gastrointestinal tract :

   1-swallowin difficulties

   2-vomiting or nausea :amount , frequency , duration ,projectile or not, color of vomitus (bile , blood ,associated with clot or not .

   3-Abdominal pain : site , onset , duration, radiation, nature, association ,relieving and aggravating factors .

   4-diarrea:frequency , amount ,consistency ,associated with mucous  ,  blood. malodourous , floating on water ,abdominal pain.

   5-costipation: time and frequency of defecation ,associated with abdominal , rectal or anal pain , associated with vomiting , also describe the appearance , color , consistency and character of feces .


   7-jaundice :onset ,color of urine  , color of stool , itching ,associated symptoms ,history of drug ingestion .

   8-rectal bleeding : pain ,blood color ,timing of bleeding with defecation ,severity ,associated with mucous or pus unformed stool or urgency

-Respiratory system:

   1-shortness of breathing :onset , intermittent or persistent ,exercise induced, nocturnal or diurnal , associated with cough, cyanosis, breath holding, severity , aggravating or relieving factor.

   2-cough :type of cough ,dry or moist, accompanied by sputum ( swallowed ,or expectorated, watery ,mucoid , mucopurulent , blood stained). Associated pain , vomitus after cough wheeze and nasal discharge. More severe at day or night . disturb sleep.

  3-chest pain

  4-hemoptysis: frequency , duration, degree of bleeding

-cardiovascular: fainting attacks , cyanosis , squatting ,chest pain , palpitation, breathless on exertion or feeding

-genitourinary: urgency , frequency ,dysuria, nocturnal enuresis, hematuria.






-neurological :fit (preceding fever or not state of patient before and after fit ) ,the type of movement observed , up rolling of eyes, frothy secretion from mouth ,duration stopped spontaneously or by medications, injuries , state of consciousness and incontinence after fit . faint ,headaches ,anosmia ,visual disturbance , parasthesia , weakness , visual disturbance.

-musculoskeletal : limp ,joint pain , swelling , skin rash.



  -perinatal history: which include

   *prenatal history : age of mother , antenatal care ,any disease D.M , H.T ,hemorrhage, fever . x-ray exposure ,drug taken , smoking or alcohol consumption .

   *natal : mode of delivery (NVD or CS and the cause of C/S),gravidity, parity , abortion ,types of anesthesia length of labor , complication , duration of rupture membrane.

   *post natal :term or pre term, single or multiple  , cry immediately or not , need NCU for any reason  , birth weight , meconium stained liquor , passage of urine or meconium in first day .

  -past medical history : any admission to hospital ,time of admission, for same disease or other disease, length of stay in hospital , discharged well or on medication .history of atopy ( dermatitis, rhinitis) . history of communicable diseases.

  -drug history : name of drug , dose , duration , mode of administration , chronic use or not . drug allergy .history of blood transfusion .

  -past surgical : any operation include circumcision ,date, cause of operation , any complication .




routine national immunization in iraq 2017



Hep B ,BCG ,OPV 0

0-1 week

Hexavalent (DTaP,Hep B ,HiB,IPV)

OPV, Rotarix1 (or Rota Teq 1) , pcv 13 1


2 months

OPV 2, Rotarix 2(or Rota Teq 2) , pcv 13 2

Second (acellular )pentavalent (DTap-Hib-IPV)

4 months

Hexavalent (DTaP,Hep B ,HiB,IPV), OPV 3 ,pcv 13 3

IF, Rota Teq (pentavalent) was used in 2 and 4 months give Rota Teq 3 . Rotatrix (monovalent ) is only 2 doses


6 months

Measles , Vitamine A 100000 IU

9 months


15 months

OPV 4 , second ( acellular ) pentavalent (DTaP ,HiB,IPV),

Vitamine A 200000 IU 

18 months

OPV,MMR 2,Vitamine A 200000 IU

Second (acellular) Quadrivalent (DTaP –IPV)

4-6 years


  BCG : first week, intra dermal in upper 1/3 of left deltoid .


  OPV: 2-3 drops orally

  HEP B: I.M thigh

  MMR: subcutaneous





  -Gross motor : newborn: limb flexed , symmetrical posture

                              6-8 weeks: raised head to 45 degree

                              6-8 months: sit without support

                              8-9 months: crawling

                              10 month : walk around furniture

                              12 months: walking unsteadily

                              15 months : walk steadily



 -fine motor : 6 weeks :follow moving objects of face by turning head

                          4 m :reach out for toys

                          6 m : transfer object from hant to hand+ palmar grasp

                           10 m : pincer grip

                           14 m :scribbles with a pencil

 Pencil skills : circle (3 y) , cross (4 y) , square (4 and 1/2 years), triangle (5 years ).

  Hand skills : building with bricks : tower of three (18 m) ,tower of six (2 y) ,tower of eight (2 and 1/2 years ).



-social, behavioral and emotional: 6 w: smile responsively

8 m: puts food in mouth

1o m :waves bye bye

12 m :drinks from a cup

18 m: holds a spoon and gets food safely to mouth

2 y :dry by day , pulls off some clothes.

3 y :interactive play.

-speech , language , and hearing:

 newborn : startles to loud sound

3 m :vocalize alone or when spoken to coos and laugh

7 m:turns to soft sounds out of sight.

7-10 m: say dada, mama

12m: 2-3 words other than baba , mama

18m: show four pats of body

20-24 m:use 2-3 words to make simple phrases.

2and half- 3 years: take consistently  in 4-4 word sentence.




   -exclusive breast feeding : number of feedings , using both breasts , duration of feeding , difficulties in feeding , baby quiet , calm , sleep .



   -exclusive bottle feeding : no of feeding , no of ounces each feed , type of milk , no of bottle, way of sterilization , source of water used in milk preparation , how long the can of milk lasting , calculate if taking enough calories

   -mixed feeding : bottle and breast feeding


   -solid food : started at 6th month , one type of food each time to see sensitivity  , not added sugar or salt .


Calculation of total daily requirement  and total amount of milk in a bottle feed infant .

Note : 1 once =28 ml = 20 kcal

The caloric requirement for children up to 1 year =120 kcal /kg/day.

No of feeds : birth -2ws :every 2 hrs

                        2ws – 3ms :every 3 hrs

                        >3 ms :every 4 hrs



 Age and state of both parents ,consanguinity (relative or not ) the risk of genetic disorder for offspring of first cousin 6-8% double the risk in general population (nelson textbook of pediatrics 20th edition p595)

, no. of children , order of this child, health states of other siblings  , history of death in family children and the cause, family history of asthma ,eczema,  Tuberculosis, cardiovascular disease and other diseases .




-occupation of parents , including frequent and prolonged parent absence.

-house hold ( rural or urban)

- socioeconomic state ,crowding in house

- sanity in house and water supply, any animals in house , smoking.

-major life events : divorce ,major illness , death , accident ,separation .

-psychiatric illness: depression

-substance abuse

The family may use the child to seek for help

- poor school performance , excessive crying, and sleep disturbance are common problems .