The President of the University inspects the urban projects in the College of Dentistry

The President of the University inspects the urban projects in the College of Dentistry

 Professor Dr. Mushtaq Talib Saleh Al-Nada, the esteemed President of Anbar University, accompanied by Assistant Professor Dr. Muhammad Khader Abdel-Jalil, the esteemed Dean of the College of Dentistry, conducted an inspection field tour that included field inspection of the urban planning of the College of Dentistry site and the urban landscape for the distribution of buildings belonging to the college’s formations. The President of the University also supervised on the ground. On choosing the geographical location for the construction of internal departments building No. (17) with a capacity of (350) students, which is designated for housing female students of the College of Dentistry. It will be built on the college’s land and is funded by the investment plan of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, with a location of three floors. The location was chosen according to multiple opinions that included: The college’s aspirations and development plans, in addition to the technical and engineering opinions and the requirements of the internal departments. The President of the University confirmed the addition of study halls within the college’s development plans, and their location was determined. He directed the Department of Construction and Projects to prepare and update plans for the buildings of the college’s formations. The President of the University was accompanied on his tour by the directors of the Department of Construction and Projects and the Department of Construction and Projects. Internal department affairs, the Student Affairs Department, and the Director of Media and Government Communications at the University Presidency


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