Visit of the Honorable President of the University

Visit of the Honorable President of the University

 Today, the College of Dentistry was honored by the visit of the distinguished President of the University, Professor Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nada. He inspected the college’s examination halls to see the progress of the final calendar exam for the academic year (2023-2024) and the mechanism of work of the examination committee there. His Excellency directed the need to take into account the application of the relevant instructions and directives for the conduct of exams and how to perform them according to the special controls and instructions. He directed the students to make efforts and continue studying in order to achieve the best results, thanking them for their commitment to the exam instructions and at the same time praising the efforts made by the deans of the colleges in this matter. field, praising the efforts of the examination committee, observers and college employees who compete to provide the best services to students during their examinations.


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