Quality Assurance and Performance Evaluation

 It seeks to build an effective system for quality assurance in the college, spreading the culture of quality and accreditation among all employees, and continuing work to develop and improve the performance of the college based on the vision and mission of the college. This section is linked to the college dean’s office, and it includes the following units:

1.    Quality Assurance Unit

2.   Performance Evaluation Unit

3.   Training and technical support unit

Section Tasks

A.  Developing and consolidating the culture of quality and accreditation in the college through issuing publications and bulletins.

B.  Evaluating the college performance and its educational programs and following up on their implementation.

C. Preparing plans and providing proposals, advice and guidance necessary to develop and improve the performance of the college and draw strengths and weaknesses.

D. Establishing foundations and rules and conducting periodic monitoring and follow-up to implement quality assurance and accreditation standards.

E.  Monitoring the college’s efficiency in terms of infrastructure, educational activities, and the level of interaction with the community.

F.  Coordination and direct communication with the corresponding departments, as well as local and international institutions to benefit and exchange experiences and access to the services provided by them.

G. Organizing and participating in conferences, seminars and workshops at various levels, whether local or international.

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