Academic essay on cloud computing

Academic essay on cloud computing



                       Saif Al-din M. Najim     Shokhan M. Al-Barzinji 


The platform of Cloud computing is model based on Internet environment which enables an easy on-demand access and usage payment of each access and utilization of pool of networks that is shared among multiple users. This type of computing is considered as another innovation that fulfils users’ needs and requirements for resources of computing like stockpiling, systems, administrations and applications as well as servers. Securing the cloud’s stored Data is seen as one of the significant principles with many challenges and concerns in the research of cloud computing. This study has reviewed the research in a critical manner which focused on the types of cloud computing, industries, deployments and models of delivery. This constant issue is becoming more impactful because of the emerging challenges in cloud computing technology management. From the client’s point of view, the security in cloud computing is hazardous, typically in the matter of assurance affirmation problems and securing the data. These problems create shortcomings that hinder the adoption of cloud computing administrations. This paper inspects and illustrates the critical issues of cloud computing in relation to the privacy and protection on the Cloud. Lastly, this paper is concluded with a review to the literature stated as well suggesting on-going future studies. Keywords: Cloud computing, Data security, Data privacy, Cloud Cryptography, Security threats.



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