Meeting of the Dean of the College with the teaching staff at the beginning of the new academic year

Meeting of the Dean of the College with the teaching staff at the beginning of the new academic year

 Meeting of the Dean of the College with the teaching staff at the beginning of the new academic year

The Dean of the College met this morning, Tuesday, September 10, 2024, which coincides with the beginning of the new academic year (2024-2025), with the teaching staff at the college. At the beginning of the meeting, the Dean of the College welcomed the teaching staff, wishing everyone a successful academic year, and stressed the need to expedite the organization of weekly lesson schedules and announce them to students at the beginning of next week, which will witness the students’ commencement and regularity in official attendance, God willing, within the times specified by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in the university calendar for the new academic year. The Dean also stressed the qualitative publication of research by the teaching staff, especially in Clarivate and Scopus containers, which comes within the directives of the University President in this field. On the sidelines of the meeting, the Assistant Dean for Scientific and Student Affairs presented the teaching load required by the teaching staff and the required quota hours from them
Division of Media and Government Communication

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