College News

The Deanship of the College of Applied Sciences - Hit congratulates the teacher in the Department of Medical Physics (Dr. Muhammad Asaad Anaz) on obtaining a doctorate degree.

The Deanship of the College of Applied Sciences - Hit congratulates the teacher in the Department of Medical Physics (Dr. Muhammad Asaad Anaz) on obtaining a doctorate degree.   2024-07-16   

 The Deanship of the College of Applied Sciences - Hit congratulates the teacher in the Department of Medical Physics (Dr. Muhammad Asaad Anaz) on obtaining a doctorate degree.


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Refrigeration equipment maintenance workshop

Refrigeration equipment maintenance workshop   2024-07-08   

 Refrigeration equipment maintenance workshop


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Introduction to Environmental Pollution

Introduction to Environmental Pollution   2024-07-02   

 Introduction to Environmental Pollution 


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Discussing the research of fourth-year students / College of Applied Sciences - Hit

Discussing the research of fourth-year students / College of Applied Sciences - Hit   2024-06-03   

 Resuming discussions of graduation projects for fourth-year students in the Departments of Applied Chemistry and Environment

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The visit of the Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs to the College of Applied Sciences - Hit

The visit of the Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs to the College of Applied Sciences - Hit   2024-06-02   

 The visit of the Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs to our college

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