Transport and Vehicles Department

The Transport and Vehicles Department

Profile of the department

The Transport and Vehicles Department was established to take care of issues related to university vehicles; their maintenance and inspection. It also supervises the transportation of students and employees from their areas of residence to the university and vice versa. The department is also responsible for the distribution of fuel and oils.

The department was of a single unit, which is the vehicles unit. Later, three other units were added. These units are:

1. The administrative unit

This unit is responsible for printing all university orders related to delivery and receipt of vehicles by university members, keeping files and records of vehicles and the staff members who have received these vehicles and saving incoming and outgoing documents and the official correspondence with the headquarters of the ministry and other ministries and all the state departments.

2. The Fuel Unit

The fuel unit receives fuel from the general company for the distribution of petroleum products and distributes it to the generators and vehicles of the university.

3. The maintenance unit

The unit maintains all vehicles belonging to the university in terms of mechanical and electrical works.













1. The department aims to expand the lines of students and employees transportation to reach the furthest point in Al Anbar province; especially districts of Al-Qaem and Rutba as well as remote areas such as Ana, Rawa and Al-Obeidi. The department also aims to cover nearby provinces such as Baghdad Governorate.

2. The department aims to increase in the number of cars used for the transportation of students and employees as well as specialist vehicles such as load trucks, vehicles of fuel transport and watering, as well as agricultural tugs and construction vehicles.

3. Increasing the number of technical and administrative staff of the department in accordance to the tasks entrusted to it.

 4. Developing the building of the department and establishing garages and roofed parking areas, as well as establishing warehouses for vehicles spare parts fuel stores.

5. Having a repair workshop which is responsible for the sustainability of the work on the vehicles. The development of this workshop is an important goal of the department to include a plumbing, dyeing, glazing, Blacksmithing, lathing and all that is needed for the maintenance of vehicles to dispense with local market and to rely on subjective abilities of the employees of the department.


1.       The department transports students and employees from most of the districts of Al Anbar province using 16 buses with 45 passengers capacity allocated for far districts and for transporting dormitory students whose colleges are outside the main university campus such as colleges of Medicine, Dentistry and the Agriculture and the Education College for girls.  The Department also operates 29 medium buses with 24 passengers to transport students and employees from remote districts of Ramadi City in addition to the city center. There are also 12 vehicles with 11-14 passenger capacity working on nearby districts and transportation inside the campus. 

2.       The department is also responsible for transporting books, electrical appliances and furniture from outside the province to the university as 7 vehicles with 2-4 tones load for this purpose. These vehicles also transport all assets of the colleges in the case they move to a new location. These vehicles are put at the disposal of the procurement Committee in the university who can transfer all purchased materials from the local market to the university.

3.       The department is also responsible for the transportation of students and employees in all scientific and entertainment trips as well as deputes between the university and the headquarters of the ministry and other departments in the province of Baghdad. Furthermore, the transportation scientific deputes for Desert Studies Center to the remotest desert regions to study soil erosion factors and other scientific research is also one of the responsibilities of the department.


1. The Administrative unit

·      Printing university orders for vehicles delivery and receipt.

·      Sending documents required by the ministry.

·      Storing mails, outgoing and incoming documents.

·      Keeping files of all vehicles and the staff of the department.

 2. Fuel unit

·      This unit is responsible for receiving fuel from the general company for the distribution of petroleum products monthly.

·      Preparation of a plan to be approved by the administrative assistant and to be distributed to (17) colleges in addition to the university departments to regulate the operation of electric generators in addition to the cars operating on gas oil.

·      A unit has been established in this unit to distribute gasoline on all vehicles of the university.

·      This unit buys oil from the local markets and distributes it to the electric generators of colleges and departments of the university presidency.

 3. The maintenance unit

· This unit, despite the lack of its employees, carries out great technical maintenance on cars belonging to the university with an average of maintaining 50 vehicles monthly. The maintenance includes engine problems.

· The unit prepares a monthly report to be sent to the administrative assistant incorporating the details of vehicles that have been repaired in the unit workshop.

· The unit examines the quality of the materials and objects purchased from the local market based on the expertise of technicians from the unit employees. They can decide if certain objects are to be returned to the supplier in case of non-conformity to specifications.

· The unit assesses any possible damages in the vehicles involved in accidents and estimates the cost of repairs. In case the repair is not possible or impractical, the vehicles are removed from service in coordination with the directorate of the traffic.

The director of the unit is Mr. Yousef Abdul Jabbar Sattori, the person in charge of the administrative unit is Mr. Faisal Khalkf Najim and the person in charge of the vehicles unit is Mr. Jameed Abdul Kareem.


The responsibilities and powers of the director of the department

The Director of the department exercises the following powers and responsibilities to ensure the flow of work in the department:


1.    The distribution of tasks among the staff of the department 

2.    Granting routine leaves permissions that do not exceed 10 days and the approval of the sick leave.

3.    Recommending the applications for more than 10 days routine and sick leaves and study leave

4.  Supervising the performance of the work in the follow-up of the activities of the employees

5. Recommending disciplinary proceedings against the negligent employees.

6. Recommending commendation and appreciation of distinguished and creative employees.

7. Recommending granting department employees promotion and upgrading bonus

8. Recommending appointment, placement of staff, and dispensation of department affiliates according to the rules in power

9. Proposing that the employees in the department be assigned overtime work according to the laws and regulations of the organization.

10. Representing the department in relevant conferences and symposia

11. The distribution of tasks and responsibilities among the staff members of the department to help   develop and improve the performance of the work as specified.

12. Recommending the delegation of staff members inside the country for a period not exceeding one week.

13. Recommending the granting of various allocations to all staff members of the department

14. Evaluation of the performance of the staff of the department and submitting it to the relevant authorities.

15. The proposal of a temporary appointment of employees in the department to gap staff shortage to ensure work flow.

16. Recommending the fixation of the staff members of the department after completion of approbation period

17. Recommending the assignment of a staff member to be an acting head of department when in routine and sick leave or when delegated.

18. Any other responsibilities and powers authorized or granted by immediate superiors



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