Higher studies Certificate

Higher studies Certificate


A public discussion for  a dissertation entitled (Evaluation of the Possibility of Accordance and the Genetic Influence in the Yellow Corn Zea maysl) is held on Sunday 5/9/2-21 at Al Khansa'a Hall .The dissertation id submitted by Huda Falah Fayadh , an MA student in the department of biology- College of Education for Women –University of Anbar. The discussion committee includes:

1.Prof.Dr. Muhammed  Ouaid  Ghadeer/(Head)

2. Prof.Dr. Ashwaq Talib Hameed (Member)

3.Assist.Prof.Dr. Nadhim Younis Abid (Member)

4.Assist. Prof. Dr. Hamdi Jassim Hammady( Member and supervisor)


After an extensive discussion, the dissertation is admitted as being accepted.




Information Office of the College of Education for Women




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Information Office of the College of Education for Women



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