University Forum for Combating Drugs
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University Forum for Combating Drugs


At the University of Anbar.. the launch of the activities of the university’s forum for combating drugs and psychotropic substances in its first edition

Under the patronage of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naeem Yasser Al-Aboudi, and under the supervision of Professor Dr. Mushtaq Talib Saleh Al-Nada, President of Anbar University, the Anbar University Forum for Combating Drugs and Psychotropic Substances was launched in its first edition and will continue for the period from 8-9 of this month in the presence of the Chairman of the Anti-Narcotics Committee in the Council. Representatives Sheikh Adnan Al-Juhaishi, a number of members of the House of Representatives, judges, security leaders, and religious scholars. 

The ceremony’s curriculum included a speech by the President of the University, representing His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education, in which he said: The university intends to hold this forum annually in the context of its serious and tireless efforts to combat one of the most dangerous social diseases represented by the abuse of drugs and psychotropic substances of all kinds, and from the university leaders’ sense of responsibility towards... The country and its people The idea of ??holding this forum came for the purpose of presenting ideas and visions for combating drugs and ways to protect our youth and our society from this dangerous disease, knowing that the university has previously held several activities of this kind and warned young people against it.

The forum's activities included several segments showing a film entitled (Pink Poison), produced by the Department of Media and Government Communication in cooperation with the Women's Affairs Division at Anbar University.