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The reality of electric energy in Iraq and the challenges of next summer and solutions


The reality of electric energy in Iraq and the challenges of next summer and solutions

 Assist. L. Adel H. Mahmood

Electric energy is the most important in all countries of the world as it is used in all areas of life and in all industrial, agricultural, commercial, transport, and communications sectors as well as all services and infrastructure.

The reality in Iraq is very bitter, as the demand for consumption increases at a very high rate, compared to the low production of electric power in Iraq.

Where daily housing complexes are built in all governorates of Iraq without paying attention to the supply of electric power, where approvals are given without study or any restrictions or conditions. All service sectors and a major imbalance in the state's financial budgets.

As a result, we offer some solutions that can help the state and the people in the electricity sector and reduce pollution resulting from the use of diesel generators:

1.    Legislation of the solar energy law in Iraq to sell and purchase energy from the citizen.

2.    Exempting all solar energy materials from taxes and customs.

3.    Providing financial loans for the installation of projects with solar energy and without interest.

4.    Starting to separate the national electricity grid from all state departments and universities and forcing them to install solar energy (ON GRID OR OFF-GRID OR HYBRID) off-grid, on-grid or hybrid, as the state departments need electrical energy during the day.

5.    Abolishing street lighting that depends on the electric grid and replacing it with solar-powered lighting.

6.    Establishing solar power stations in all governorates of Iraq and linking them to the national grid to reduce power outages, especially in summer.

7.    Educating and directing the community to install solar energy heaters in departments and homes because they are more efficient than electric heaters.

8.    Forcing all investors in the residential sector to provide electricity with solar energy to reduce the load on the national grid.

9.    Direction from the state for all new projects using solar energy.

10. A directive not to import household and non-domestic electrical materials that do not have energy-saving property.

11. Forming Ming a work team or advisory council in each governorate to make a plan to rely on renewable energy by 40% for the coming years and to develop a plan to raise all diesel generators.


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