College News

The pharmacist and his possible fields of work

The pharmacist and his possible fields of work   2021-05-21   

 The pharmacist has a very important and influential role in society, and it is unfortunate that some people believe that the profession of a pharmacist is limited to dispensing medication.

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The College of Pharmacy is witnessing a massive fogging campaign in preparation for the attendance exams

The College of Pharmacy is witnessing a massive fogging campaign in preparation for the attendance exams   2021-04-06   

In preparation for the attendance exams, the College of Pharmacy - Anbar University organized a wide campaign to open its hallways, classrooms, corridors and all branches.

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Scientific upgrade

Scientific upgrade   2021-03-29   

The educational family at the College of Pharmacy / Anbar University and all its employees and students offer their warmest congratulations and best congratulations to Professor Dr. (Zina Muhammad Al-Sabti) for obtaining the title of professorship. 

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Schedule of final examinations (attendance) for the first stages and electronic for the first stage

Schedule of final examinations (attendance) for the first stages and electronic for the first stage   2021-03-28   

Schedule of final examinations (attendance) for the first stages and electronic for the first stage For the academic year 2020/2021, first semester (first round) With our best wishes to our dear students luck and lasting success

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International Cooperative Conference for Modern Agricultural Technologies

International Cooperative Conference for Modern Agricultural Technologies   2021-03-26   

The joint scientific conference between the universities of Anbar and Salah al-Din

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