College News

Selection of a representative of teaching staff in college


Selection of a representative of teaching staff in college

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Honoring the first student at College of Pharmacy and Medical Group

Honoring the first student at College of Pharmacy and Medical Group   2017-12-01   

 Honoring the first student at the College of Pharmacy and  Medical Group

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Al-Khalid Elementary School for Girls in the college of Pharmacy

Al-Khalid Elementary School for Girls in the college of Pharmacy   2017-11-29   

 Al-Khalid Elementary School for Girls in the college of Pharmacy

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Launch of the medical plant in the college of Pharmacy

Launch of the medical plant in the college of Pharmacy   2017-11-29   

Launch of the medical plant in the college of Pharmacy 

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Instructions uniform

Instructions uniform   2017-11-20   


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