College News

Solutions for online testing , a new era of online education

Solutions for online testing , a new era of online education   2020-04-09   

 Pharmacy college has set up a workshop through Google meeting platform discussing the testing and examination programs used in online education .

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Pharmacy college board meets online !

Pharmacy college board meets online !   2020-04-01   

 Pharmacy college board meets in an online fashion and discuss the items on the agenda .

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Anbar university gets another win ... Top one ranking

Anbar university gets another win ... Top one ranking   2020-03-18   

 Anbar university gets the top one rank , beating all the iraqi universities according to scimago the Spanish ranking system and the rank of 727 world wide .

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Announcement ... Disabling working hours

 Announcement ... Disabling working hours   2020-02-27   

 Disabling the working hours because of the rainy weather and public health conditions .

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Idrak club's anniversary in pharmacy college

Idrak club's anniversary in pharmacy college   2020-02-25   

 Pharmacy college selebrates idrak club's anniversary , one year of reading passion , one year of books love.

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