Meeting of the Dean with the teaching staff

Meeting of the Dean with the teaching staff

 The Dean of the College met with Assistant Professor Dr. Atheer Khalaf Zaghir today, Wednesday 5/8/2024. An expanded meeting with the teaching staff at the college, in the presence of the assistant deans for academic and administrative affairs, branch heads, and all teaching staff, on the occasion of the approaching end of the new academic year 2023-2024. The Dean welcomed the attendees and emphasized important points, including preparing for the final exams for the first round 2023-2024, which are immediately followed by the second round exams, providing all logistical and technical supplies for our dear students, and how to set the final questions. He directed the teaching staff to make the exams successful and present them in the best way, which reflects the true image of the college. .

The Dean also emphasized many other points. In conclusion, he listened to some of the professors’ interventions, inquiries, and problems. He concluded the meeting by wishing the professors success in completing their work to advance our university and college to the ranks of international universities.

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