College News

Anbar University and Faculty of Medicine Green Oasis

Anbar University and Faculty of Medicine Green Oasis   2021-07-11   

 In line with the initiative launched by Professor Mushtaq Talib Saleh al-Nada

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Final clinical quarterly examination for stage 5 students

Final clinical quarterly examination for stage 5 students   2021-07-08   

 Final clinical quarterly examination for stage 5 students

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9th Medical School Board Session

9th Medical School Board Session   2021-07-04   

 The Board of The Faculty of Medicine held its ninth regular session for the academic

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First-grade students in our college take practical exams in attendance

First-grade students in our college take practical exams in attendance   2021-07-02   

 Students from the first stage of our college performed the chemistry exam

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Visit of the Dean of Baghdad Medical College

Visit of the Dean of Baghdad Medical College   2021-06-29   

 Professor Dr. Ali Kamel Al-Shalji, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Baghdad University

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