Vision, mission & goals




Our college aims to be distinct scientific center and leading national college contributes in the development of health sciences by adapting its training program and scientific research quality to local and global needs. The college also aims to be accredited and internationally recognized in the field of medical education. 



Our college seeks to enhance the affiliation and originality spirit in its teaching staff, employees, students and graduates. The college contributes to build sober educational and research system to provide the society by physicians with humanity, professional medical ethics, knowledge and high efficiency to produce distinguished and sufficient medical care to serve the society and to enhance the scientific research. 



1- Graduating outstanding physicians capable of providing health care in hospitals and beyond, throughout the society with great interest in primary health care To graduate outstanding doctors capable of providing healthcare in hospitals and beyond, with a strong focus on primary healthcare

2- Developing curricula, teaching styles and exam methods, medical books authoring, and establishing rules for controlling and improving quality based on international quality standards and academic accreditation.

3- Promoting teaching excellence by creating scientific conductive environment that elevates the academic and scientific levels of teaching staff and providing advanced infrastructure.

4- Enhancing the capabilities and quality of scientific research among faculty members and providing the appropriate environment for this through support in publishing research in reputable international journals in order to elevate the college and university.

5- Providing specialized study facilities as a study and examination center for medical specialties.

6- Adopting continuous medical education strategies, and participating in qualification courses, education and continuous medical training.

7- Establishing an integrated health system through cooperation with the ministry of health and the world health organization, and working to develop human resources.

8- Building partnerships with universities that encourage the development of new technology and a distinguished health system for the development of medicine.

9- Conducting research programs and develop training programs directed to meet the needs and confront the health problems of society.

10- Promoting and reinforcing the quality assurance concepts among employees and students.

11- Providing the students with sober human interaction skills, adopting ethical principles for the health professions, and gaining the trust of society.

12- Encouraging extracurricular activities which include sports, artistic, social and literary activities.






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