College News

Exam Table for sixth year

Exam Table for sixth year   2017-12-25   

Exam Table for sixth year- second trial 2016-2017

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Final Football championship

Final  Football championship   2017-11-28   

The final football championship between the second stage team and the sixth stage team

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Participation of college of medicine in graduation ceremony

  Participation of college of medicine in graduation ceremony   2017-11-27   

 The College of Medicine participated in the Graduation Ceremony for the academic year 2016-2017, which was held by the university presidency

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Faculty of Medicine holds a scientific symposium on Hydronephrosis in Pregnancy

Faculty of Medicine holds a scientific symposium on Hydronephrosis in Pregnancy    2017-11-21   

 The Continuing Medical Education Unit, in coordination with the Surgery Branch and the Gynaecology  and Obstetrics Departement at the College, holds a scientific symposium

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College of Medicine holds a Scientific Symposium on Hepatitis C

College of Medicine holds a Scientific Symposium on Hepatitis C   2017-11-19   

Under the theme (Towards a Society Free of Hepatitis type C) the college of Medicine held a scientific symposium in cooperation with the International Company of Medicine

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