Computer uses in medicine

Computer uses in medicine


Computer uses in medicine


Medicine and computers the computer is one of the most powerful devices that affect human life since its invention in the last century. It processes data very quickly, stores, outputs and retrieves it at the same speed. It has become the most suitable option for many professionals; This is in order to settle their work and finish it, and it has been used in most fields, and it should be noted that the computer is developing and progressing rapidly, and the entry of the computer into the field of medicine was one of the important matters and achievements of medicine, while medicine is a therapeutic field that includes nurses and doctors in various fields, and covers Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease, medical research, and many other aspects of health, aimed at promoting and maintaining health, including the use of medications or surgery, often supported by counseling and lifestyle measures, and complementary and alternative medicine types including acupuncture and therapy Homeopathy, herbal medicine, therapy in art, traditional Chinese medicine and many other uses of computers In medicine, the main operator of most medical devices is the computer, and here are a number of such uses or devices:

Computer use in medicine:

• Biomedical Research: Biomedical and biomedical scientists use biotechnology, biotechnology and oceanography, and they develop treatments, agricultural research, medical research, basic fields, research and its sciences.

• Patient Monitoring: Previewing and examining patients into digital devices; How many medical operations, pathology, and its science.

• Medical data: Doctors provide a lot of information to their patients from diagnoses, prescriptions, and many more

• Medical laboratories: There are a lot of laboratory analysis devices, and they are placed inside these devices that appear in this picture, and they are analyzed and the patient's infection is identified.

• Medicines: Computers look at medicines and how they are used, and doctors and other health professionals use medicines to diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases.

• Surgery: Some computer-programmed surgical machines are used in operations to be the doctor's right hand to remove tissue, or to perform biopsies, and other operations.

• Medical devices: A wide range of devices are used to diagnose and treat a disease or condition to prevent symptoms from worsening or to replace a damaged part. Medical imaging: It includes several types such as MRI, ultrasound, CT scan, and X-ray.

• Patient Monitoring: Converts the examination and examination of patients into digital devices; Patient monitoring and careful care that measures heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure helped the doctor build a comprehensive picture of the patient's condition.

• Medical laboratories: There are many laboratories analysis equipment. Such as blood analyzes, photometry, and microscopy, and samples are placed inside these devices to analyze and identify the patient's infection. Modern medical devices have contributed to making radiology, magnetic resonance and examination devices more efficient in reading and analyzing data in these devices, which means quick access to diagnosis and then treatment, which has provided many operations that require patient infection, which may cause complications. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and CT-scan are among the most important of these applications that give complete images of the organs of the human body. which provide highly accurate images by using X-rays taken from several angles to create a 3D image. Many everyday medical devices operate according to pre-programmed instructions.

Holding scientific seminars: The computer has become a window for distance education and courses, or watching a joint broadcast between hospitals in the world via Internet conversations. Medical data: Every day, doctors document a wealth of data for their patients from diagnoses, prescriptions and other details, huge records and bills to an electronic database that they later help doctors access.



Here are some of the modern medical devices:

Surgical robot: Robots that perform some complex medical operations that require precise tools, and that carry live recording and instant readings during the operation, and that information is communicated via the Internet to surgeons anywhere around the world, and they can be followed up in this way, and this reduces many of the risks that They may arise from very small errors caused by stress and fatigue in general or the inability to reach the area to be operated on, and these complex operations include brain operations, in addition to the unique precision that may match the ingenuity of the surgeons themselves, increasing the possibility of patient survival or The success of the operation, and it is likely that the development in this field may make these robots completely replace surgeons in the future.

 Embryo detection device: They are devices that detect the fetus and through its follow-up pregnancy, which provide preliminary readings and early diagnosis of many cases that medicine has been able to avoid, such as: some diseases and malformations or early abortion and early treatment. Experts have created three-dimensional color images of fetuses,

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