Opening of the French Corner at Anbar University In the presence of the President of Anbar University
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Opening of the French Corner at Anbar University In the presence of the President of Anbar University

 Opening of the French Corner at Anbar University In the presence of the President of Anbar University, Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nida, the Assistant President of Anbar University for Scientific Affairs, the Assistant President of Anbar University for Administrative Affairs, and the Deans of the Faculties at Anbar University, the French Ambassador inaugurated the French Corner at the Central Library. This event comes within the framework of enhancing cultural and academic cooperation between Iraq and France, as the French Corner will provide students and researchers with the opportunity to access various scientific and cultural resources in the French language. The French Ambassador expressed his happiness with this achievement, stressing the importance of supporting bilateral relations through education and culture.