A visit by the University President and the assistants to the central library
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A visit by the University President and the assistants to the central library

 As part of His Excellency’s ongoing inspection tours of a number of vital projects at the university, Professor Dr. Mushtaq Al-Talib Saleh Al-Nada, the respected President of Anbar University, visited, accompanied by the University’s Assistant President for Scientific Affairs, Prof. The honorable Hashem Khalil Wissam and the respected Professor Dr. Atheer Anwar Sharif, Assistant to the University President for Administrative Affairs, today, Thursday, 5/23/2024, the Central Library. They were received by the Secretary General of the Central Library, Dr. Falah Dahham Rashid, the honorable President of the University praised the campaign to expand the halls and stores in the Central Library and overcome all the obstacles facing the Central Library...