Talal Salem Al-Hadithi ... Articles

Talal Salem Al-Hadithi ... Articles

Mohammed Owyid Mohammed Al-Sayer (Professor)

the department of Arabic language

College of Basic Education / Haditha - University of Anbar.

In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and with Him I seek help, and praise be to God in both worlds, and prayers and peace be upon His faithful Messenger, and his family and companions,

It is no secret to the student of Arabic literature, its reader and recipient, the importance of the article as an outward literary genre in performance and meaning, and communicative in ideas, visions and contents for the writer, and since the beginning of the last century, and in several Arab countries with great culture and urbanization, distinguished by literature and arts, brilliant in the birth of scholars, writers and writers such as: Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine and Tunisia.

The article was a media journalism, published in newspapers and magazines that accommodate their writers and creators, and this appeared in Egypt first and then in Iraq, the rest of the Levant and some countries of the Maghreb, and even in countries of the Gulf such as Saudi Arabia. Admiration and praise were intoxicated with this literary genre because of its simplified ideas and structures that lead the idea and address the subject directly, frankly and briefly.

In the beginning, the political article that opposed colonialism and its agents was popular, and many writers from the different Arab countries, which I mentioned or did not mention, became famous in which the article spread quickly and successfully. And from there to the economic article, which is sometimes related to politics, and to the social article that deals with the various angles of society and its various ties, including the religious article that is characterized by writing on an easy religious topic that deals with a social, political or economic issue. To the literary article, which is the widest and most widespread and common type of articles, as it contains modern and contemporary literary criticism, and in it creative writers appeared in a poetic, fictional or prose style embellished in the topics they write in on the topics of literature and poetry and the features of Arabic literature in renewal and innovation in its different eras of ignorance. To the day of the birth of each article with its title and content. Among those writers in the article are: Taha Hussein, Ahmed Hassan al-Zayyat, Zaki Mubarak, Ali Jawad al-Taher, Muhammad Saber Obaid, Dhiaa Khudair, Adnan Saeed al-Mahna, Zaki Zakir al-Ani, Mahmoud Abdullah al-Jader... The list goes on and on, of course, with countless others. And is.

Some of these articles were present on the radio as well, and then on television screens, and they were converted into articles for reading in newspapers or magazines that take care of them and adopt their publication, and then in a book or group of books, and no further than that is Dr. Taha Hussein's book (Wednesday Hadith). Which was issued in four fat parts in title, method, and content, and evidence for this is the studies that were written about it in criticism, style, and opinions on poetry and poets, especially the poetry of the pre-Islamic era and its poets.

 Some Iraqi and Arab newspapers allocate fixed sections for readers under one title, weekly or monthly, according to the publication of the newspaper or magazine. Perhaps one writer or different writers will be obsessed with writing this permanent and renewed chapter, which is what makes the newspaper or magazine popular and makes it in the minds of the readers and among their interest in requesting it and seeking to obtain its numbers, and among the many who preserve it to this day and even chronicle its numbers and the best or most beautiful article they have read And they were amazed!

The topics of the article are sophisticated and evolving in the fields of literature, criticism and the general sciences of the Arabic language. They are read and followed by many. Electronic technology and social media have increased their publicity and delivery to the reader while he is in his home, garden, car and office, without fatigue, trouble, effort or money. There appeared many writers of the article, especially the literary and critical article. It is true that some of them are still in the beginning of the road and have some shortcomings that can be avoided, but they have contributed to the permanence of this literary genre and its continuity and its superiority over other genres of Arab literature in some cases.

Perhaps one of those important topics in the world of the article today, which has recently and contemporary access to our Arabic literature and criticism:

Structural criticism.

Reading a new book.

Issued in the Literary Library.

Issued in the monetary library.

Book reviews.

Readings in verified books.

With a world of criticism.

- With a scientist in the investigation.

In criticism of the investigation.

In critique of authorship.

In critique of translation.

My character.

Commercial theatre.

The importance of theatre.

Theater function.

Linguistic correction.

Say, don't say.

... And other than these topics, and I have a confirmed and documented thing that dispenses with all these topics, and proves them text and publication for the honorable reader and it is not hidden from him and everyone.

I have seen - by the grace and grace of God - of hundreds of translations of the scholars of the Islamic nation from the old authors and compilers, and I found in their surviving or lost tracks and blogs that he has more than a hundred books and treatises, or forty treatises and works ... and I think that these messages are no more than the article today. In its papers, title, ideas and contents?!

As for the articles, the creative writer and critic Talal Salem Al-Hadithi, he is a very talented writer in writing the art of the article. He has dozens of authorships on heritage, folklore and criticism, as well as writing novels, the very short story, and biographical recording of the other. He supports my words about him and supports his authenticity and authenticity.

The scholar, literary critic, and scholar Talal Salem Al-Hadithi was one of the first to write the article and was famous for it. In Al-Hayat magazine, he had his own column under the title “Swaneh Al-Flaamah”, which is the magazine that was known in the middle of the last century or before, and this indicates the significance of

The reader of Professor Talal Salem Al-Hadithi’s articles notes the joy of style, and the accuracy of the expression in accordance with the title of the article in which he writes and introduces us to what is in it. Likewise, he enters the theater and writes an article and an article in it, and critiques and reviews books that were not known to many. Method and content, he has gracious greetings and sincere calls for more brilliance, creativity and production in the fields of literature, arts and genres, and he is skilled in that arbitrator, his life long and his knowledge spread.

Note that I will append this book to another book that deals with Professor Talal Salem Al-Hadithi’s critical articles, collected, prepared, presented and studied, as they are many and available and have been published and are still being published to this day by the grace and praise of God Almighty. He knew his critics and poets alike, and wrote about them such as:

Sami Mahdi.

According to Sheikh Jaafar.

Abdel Wahab Al-Bayati.

Amal Zahawi.

Hamid Saeed.

Rushdie the worker.

Al-Hadithi style is interesting in reading, especially with the art of the article, which needs this style of writing for the reader who is looking for concise, adequate and interesting information in thought, subtraction and discussion.

Professor Al-Maqali Talal Salem Al-Hadithi wrote in many titles, including those related to the science of literary criticism, theatre, the verified heritage, and folklore, which he loved, wrote books on, and achieved works for him, and his impact on many articles.

Al-Hadithi’s articles have brought together hundreds of them, most of which have been published, which is what the author of this article intends to collect in one or more books, in addition to the fact that Al-Hadithi articles are still writing and publishing articles and articles on new and innovative topics in contemporary criticism mechanisms, book reviews, art sciences, drawing and composition, and creative personalities. The distinguished person who was interested in such sciences and arts... May God grant him all goodness, wellness and knowledge.

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