permanent committees
permanent committees in the basic educational college |
Promotions committee |
The college council forms this committee and it consists of five members headed by a teacher with the rank of professor and members of the teaching staff who are at the rank of professor or assistant professor if there is no professor available in different specialties, This committee supervises the academic promotion transactions for teachers and follows up their transactions in order to obtain the promotion. |
the scientific committee |
This committee shall be in the scientific disciplines and headed by the one who is the oldest in the scientific rank among them . This committee shall submit its decisions to the head of department for approval ( when the head is not the oldest among them) or to be submitted to the college council . This committee is responsible for checking scientific and accurate specializations for all the teaching staff in the college , this committee has a role in scientific promotions because the scientific promotions mainly based on the scientific committee in the college then submitted to the promotions committees . |
Distributing salaries committee |
This committee is responsible for the distribution of salaries, contract wages, daily wages, lectures for lecturers, and for external lecturers at the college. |
Examination committee |
A central exam committee shall be formed, headed by The Dean and membership of the department heads , while an exam committee shall be formed in each departments headed by the head of the department as a chairman and Tow members who have a higher study degrees . The chairman of this committee distributes the duties on members of exam committee. The committee chairman is responsible for the correctness of the grades , This committee prepares the exams table and observation schedule and also distributing the students on the exam halls , The committee records the annual pursuit rate of the students from the departments and combines them with degrees of final exam and calculate the final degrees for them, finally the committee supervises the confidential of the exams sheets then declare the results . |
Procurement committee |
This committee is responsible for providing all the materials needed by the college from material equipment to continue the educational and research process in the college in accordance with the legally approved purchasing powers . |
Students Discipline Committee |
This committee follows-up to the implementation of instructions for students' discipline and implementation of the penalties issued against students in violation of instructions. This committee also follows up on the extent of students' implementation of uniforms and discipline instructions on campus and the extent of students' commitment to exam instructions . |
Student Research Discussion Committee |
This committee at least consists of three members in rank of M.A and above depending on each departments and it’s scientific or literature specialties . The duty of this committee is to discuss students graduate researches for the fourth stage , and determine the level of research scientifically and the extent of its compliance with the extent of scientific and academic development and to give the degree of evaluation to students according to this level . |