دريد مؤيد عبد سنان الحديثي (أستاذ مساعد)
دكتوراه في هندسة طرق
عضو هيئة تدريسية كلية الهندسة / مدير قسم البعثات والعلاقات الثقافية - رئاسة الجامعة
المدني - الهندسة
البحوث المنشورة
DM Abd.2011. Pavement Evaluation with Particular Reference to Deflection Testing with a Falling Weight Deflectometer. MSc Dissertation. University of Leeds, Institute for Transport Studie
Abd, D. and Al-Khalid, H., 2015. Fatigue performance characterization of warm-modified bituminous binders. Bituminous mixtures and pavements VI, pp.105-113
DM Abd, H Al-Khalid, R Akhtar. 2017. Nano-scale properties of warm-modified bituminous binders determined with atomic force microscopy. Road Materials and Pavement Design 18 (sup2), 189-20
DM Abd, H Al-Khalid, R Akhtar, 2018. Adhesion properties of warm-modified bituminous binders (WMBBs) determined using pull-off tests and atomic force microscopy. Road Materials and Pavement Design 19 (8), 1926-1939
Abd, D. M. 2017. Characterisation of warm asphalt mixtures with addition of reclaimed asphalt pavement materials. PhD Thesis. University of Liverpool.
DM Abd, H Al-Khalid, R Akhtar, 2018. Novel Methodology to Investigate and Obtain a Complete Blend between RAP and Virgin Materials. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 30 (5), 04018060
DM Abd, H Al-Khalid, R Akhtar, 2018. An investigation into the impact of warm mix asphalt additives on asphalt mixture phases through a nano-mechanical approach. Construction and Building Materials 189, 296-306.
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ماجستير هندسة مدنية/ هندسة وتخطيط الطرق/ جامعة ليدز/ المملكة المتحدة
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