بوابة التدريسي
خالد راسم محمود صفر الجنابي (أستاذ مساعد)

دكتوراه في هندسة جيوتكنك
المدني - الهندسة

معلومات عامة

الاسم: خالد راسم محمود الجنابي

تدريسي في قسم الهندسة المدنية / كلية الهندسة

تاريخ الميلاد: 24/7/1962

الديانة: مسلم

Scientific and professional society memberships

International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering -ISSMGE

Iraqi Scientific Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering -ISSSMFE

Iraqi Engineering Association

Iraqi Council of Accreditation of Engineering Education-ICAEE

البحوث العلمية

Al-Mosawe, M.J. and Mahmood, K.R.(1993) “The performance of under-reamed subjected to repeated loading”, proceeding of the first scientific conference - Tikrit University

Mahmood, K.R.(2000) “The characteristics of an Iraqi soil under repeated loading”, Journal of Engineering and development-Vol.4 Issue 2

Al-Ani  Z.N.  and  Mahmood, K.R.(2000)  “Suggestion  an  application  of Expert  System for selecting piles driving methods and equipment for Iraqi construction project”, Journal of Engineering and development-Vol.4 Issue 2

Mahmood, K.R.  and Al-Hadithi  A.I.A.  (2008)  “Modeling  of  polymer  modified-concrete strength with artificial neural networks”, Iraqi Journal of Civil Engineering-Eight year- Issue 10

Mahmood, K.R.(2008) “Prediction of ultimate bearing capacity of shallow foundations on cohesionless soils using back propagation neural networks (BPNN)”, Iraqi Journal of Civil Engineering-Eight year-Issue 12

Mahmood, K.R. and Abdul Kareem A.H. (2010) “Nature of Soil-Water Characteristics Curves (SWCC) for Soils from Anbar Governorate” Anbar Journal for Engineering Sciences Vol.3 No.1

Mahmood, K.R. and Juneid Aziz (2011) “Using Artificial Neural Networks for Evaluation of Collapse Potential of Some Iraqi Gypseous Soils” Iraqi Journal of Civil Engineering-Vol. 7 No.1

Fattah M. Y., Mahmood, K.R., Muhyee M. M., (2011) “Finite Element Simulation of the Bearing Capacity of an Unsaturated Coarse-Grained Soil” Iraqi Journal of Civil Engineering-Vol.(8) No.1 

 Mahmood, K.R., Mustafa, A.S. Muhammed A.S. , (2012) “ Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Forecast the Release Water from Haditha Dam” Proceedings of Engineering Conference of Comprehensive Research Theses-Special Issue of Engineering and Development Journal

Fattah M. Y., Mahmood, K.R., Muhyee M. M., (2013) “Simulation of Unsaturated Soil Behavior by the Finite Element Method” International Review of Civil Engineering (IRECE) Vol.4 No.1

Majeed A.H., Mahmood, K.R., Jepur A.A. (2013) “Simulation of Hyperbolic Stress-Strain Parameters of Soils Using Artificial Neural Networks” proceeding of the 3rd International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering. Tunis

Al-Janabi, K.R.M and Abdullah B.M. (2017) “Effect of Inorganic Salt Solution on Some Properties of Compacted Clay Liners”, Journal of Engineering Science & Technology, School of Engineering, Taylor’s University, Vol.12, No.12

Al-Janabi, K.R.M and Abdullah B.M. (2017) “Consistency and Compressibility   Characteristics of contaminated Compacted Clay liners”, Iraqi Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol 11, No.2

Jebur,A.A., Atherton,W., Al Khaddar, R.M., Aljanabi, K.R. (2019) “Performance analysis of an evolutionary LM algorithm to model the load-settlement response of steel piles embedded in sandy soil”, Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, Vol. 140, PP 622-635

Jebur, A. A. et al., "A Novel Artificial Neural Network Scheme for Modelling of Nonlinear Soil Stress-Strain Modulus Exponent," 2018 1st Annual International Conference on Information and Sciences (AiCIS), Fallujah, Iraq, 2018, pp. 62-69.

Huda S. AbdulwahedKhalid. R. MahmoodAhmed H. AbdulKareem, (2021) " Strength and Stiffness of a Geopolymer-treated Clayey Soil for Unpaved Roads"

Iraqi Journal of Civil Engineering, 2021, Volume 15, Issue 1, Pages 1-9 

Aljanabi, K.R., AL-Azzawi, O.M., "Neural network application in forecasting maximum wall deflection in homogenous clay". Geo-Engineering 12, 29 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40703-021-00158-z

Aِl-Zubaidy -D. S., Aljanabi K. R., Khaled Z. S. “Forecasting the Compressibility Parameters of Gypseous Soil using Artificial Neural Networks” IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental ScienceVolume 961(1):012019 DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/961/1/012019

المحاضرات العلمية

السلسل المادة اسم المحاضرة المرحلة التحميل مشاهدة
1 ميكانيك التربة المقدمة + المصادر الثالثة
2 ميكانيك التربة النفاذية والتسرب الثالثة
3 ميكانيك التربة مفهوم الاجهاد الفعال الثالثة
4 ميكانيك التربة الاجهادات في التربة الثالثة
5 ميكانيك التربة انضغاطية الترب الثالثة
6 ميكانيك التربة مسار اجهاد القص في التربة الثالثة
7 ميكانيك التربة حدل التربة الثالثة
8 ميكانيك التربة اجهاد القص في التربة الثالثة
9 Soil Mechanics Introduction الثالثة

الشهادات الاكاديمية

دكتوراه هندسة مدنية / الجامعة التكنولوجية / 2006

ماجستير هندسة مدنية / جامعة بغداد / 1989

بكالوريوس هندسة مدنية / جامعة بغداد / 1984


الاشراف على رسائل الماجستير

A Finite Element Simulation of the Behavior of Unsaturated Soil – University of Anbar – 2010

Using Artificial Neural Networks for Evaluation of Collapse Potential of Some Iraqi Gypseous Soils – University of Anbar – 2010

Predicting Hyperbolic Stress-Strain Relationship Parameters of Soils by Using Artificial Neural Netwok – Al-Mustansiriya University - 2011

Artificial Neural Network Models for Haditha Reservoir Inflow and Operation – University of Anbar – Civil Engineering Department – 2012

Engineering Properties of Contaminated Compacted Clay Liners- University of Anbar-Civil Engineering Department-2017 

Analysis of Seepage and Upstream Slope Stability of Earth Dams Using Geo Studio Model: Haditha Dam as a Case Study - Uinveristy of Anbar-Water Resources and dam Engineering department 2021

Resilient Characterization of RAP-Geopolymer Road Pavements - University of Anbar-Civil Engineering Department- 2021





المؤتمرات والندوات

Engineering Conference of Comprehensive Research Theses , 3rd  International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering. Tunis 

1st Annual International Conference on Information and Sciences (AiCIS), Fallujah, Iraq

2nd International Conference of Al-Esraa University College for Engineering Sciences (ICAUC_ES 2021) 3rd-4th November 2021, Baghdad, Iraq