بوابة التدريسي
محمد يحيى عبدالله الراوي (مدرس)

دكتوراه في علم اللغة التطبيقي
اللغة الانكليزية - الآداب

معلومات عامة

البحوث العلمية


The Effect of Peers’ and Teacher’s E-Feedback on Writing Anxiety Level

Through CMC Applications”. International Journal: Emerging Technologies in Learning, Vol 13, No.11 (2018): 196-207.

“Implementation of Flipped Classroom Model and Its Effectiveness on English

Speaking Performance”. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET),14(9) (2019): 130-147.

Investigating the effects of the flipped classroom model on Omani EFL

learners’ motivation level in English speaking performance”. Education and Information Technologies, 24 (2019): 2975–2995. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-


Exploring the Effects of Flipped Classroom Model Implementation on EFL

Learners’ Self-confidence in English Speaking Performance”. Recent Advances in Intelligent Systems and Smart Applications, Springer 223-241 (2020).

Does Flipped Classroom Model Affect EFL Learners’ Anxiety in English Speaking Performance?” International Journal of Emerging Technologies in

Learning (iJET), 16(1)(2020): 94-107.

Exploring the Extent of ICT Role as a Teaching Tool in the Public Universities

of Khartoum State”. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol 13, No.15 (2018): 5976-5983, Medwell Journals.

The Effects of CMC Applications on ESL Writing Anxiety among Postgraduate Students”. English Language Teaching, Vol 8, NO 9 (2015): 167-172. Canadian Center of Science and Education.

Media Discourse and Iraqi Sectarian Violence: A Critical Discourse

Analysis of U.S. Press”. International Journal of Education and Research, Vol. 3 No. 6 June (2015): 359-373.

The Impact of Social Support on EFL Learners’ Motivation at Iraqi Kurdistan Universities”. Modern Applied Science, Vol 1, No 7(2017): 51-56. Canadian Center of Science and Education.

A Qualitative Study on the Best Motivational Teaching Strategies in the Context of Oman: Perspectives of EFL Teachers”. English Language Teaching, Vol 12, No 3 (2019): 57-64. Canadian Center of Science and Education.



المحاضرات العلمية

الشهادات الاكاديمية

