بوابة التدريسي
شيرين ابراهيم محمد (مدرس مساعد)

ماجستير في هندسه المساحه والجيودسي
السدود - الهندسة

معلومات عامة

shireen ibrahim mohammed 

MSc degree in surveying engineering and geodesy

lecturer in surveuing engineering / surveying Lab

Dams and water resource department

البحوث العلمية

overview of terrestiral  laser scanner,technology, applications and limitations / ICBE5 International conference(proceeding book)/ sweden-2019

important methods measurements to exam the accuracy and relibility of reflector less total station measurements/ scopus 

advantages of green technology to mitigate the environment problems/scopus



المحاضرات العلمية

الشهادات الاكاديمية

certification in surveying engineering -  surveying department/university of Baghdad

MSc. degree in surveying engineering and geodesy - surveying engineering /UK




take part in

the 5th international conference of biotechnology, environment and engineering science (ICBE5)/ Stockholm- sweden-2019

 2nd international conference of civil engineering science (ICCES2)-2021. 

5th international  scientific conference on environment and  sustainable development (5ICSESD)2021