بوابة التدريسي
عمر عبدالرحمن داود سلمان الحديثي (أستاذ مساعد)

دكتوراه في امنية المعلومات
مدير مركز الحاسبة الالكترونية
نظم المعلومات - علوم الحاسوب وتكنولوجيا المعلومات

معلومات عامة


Assist. Prof. Dr. Omar Abdulrahman Dawood was born in Habanyah, Anbar City, Iraq (1986). He got B.Sc. (2008), M.Sc. (2011) in Computer Science from the College of Computer and Information Technology, University of Anbar - Iraq. He was ranking the first during his B.Sc. and M.Sc. studies. He got the Ph.D. from the Computer Science Department, University of Technology-Baghdad - Iraq (2015). He is a teaching staff member and Director of Avicenna Division – Center for Continuing Education – University of Anbar. His research interests are: Data and Network Security, Coding, Number Theory and Cryptography.

Personal Information:


Full Name:                    Omar A. Dawood 

  .Title of Position:           Asist. Prof. Dr                       

Date &Place of Birth:    30/07/1986, Ramadi - Iraq          

Nationality:                     Iraqi                    

Marital Status:                Married    

Religion:                           Muslim          

Contact Address:   College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Computer Science Department, University Of Anbar, Anbar-Iraq.

Position: Director of Avicenna Division for E-Learning (2018-2021)

Language: Arabic, English.

Primary E-Mail address: the_lionofclub@yahoo.com

Institutional E-Mail address: omar-abdulrahman@uoanbar.edu.iq

G-Mail: thelionofclub@gmail.com

Mob Phone: 009647905884333

Mob Phone: 009647723775802

ResearchGate.net Account: Omar A. Dawood


Academia.edu Account: Omar A. Dawood

Google Site: Google scholar: 


Facebook: Omar Abdulrahman

EDAS ID: 642415


ResearcherID is: S-1401-2018

Scopus Author ID: 55077459700

Publons: Omar A. Dawood





البحوث العلمية


Ø Published Researches:


[1] Omar A. Dawood, Abdul Monem S. Rahma, Abdul Mohssen J. Abdul Hossen, “The Euphrates Cipher”, IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Volume 12, Issue 2, March 2015, ISSN (Print): 1694-0814 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0784.


[2] Omar A. Dawood, Abdul Monem S. Rahma, Abdul Mohssen J. Abdul Hossen, “The New Block Cipher Design (Tigris Cipher)”, International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security (IJCNIS), Vol.7, No.12, pp. 10-18, 2015.DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2015.12.02.


[3] Omar A. Dawood, Abdul Monem S. Rahma, Abdul Mohssen J. Abdul Hossen,"New Symmetric Cipher Fast Algorithm of Revertible Operations' Queen (FAROQ) Cipher", International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security (IJCNIS), Vol.9, No.4, pp. 29-36, 2017.DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2017.04.04.


[4] Omar A. Dawood, Abdul Monem S. Rahma, Abdul Mohssen J. Abdul Hossen, "New Variant of Public Key Based on Diffie-Hellman with Magic Cube of Six-Dimensions”, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), ISSN 1947-5500, Vol. 13, No. 10, October 2015.


[5] Omar A. Dawood, Abdul Monem S. Rahma, Abdul Mohssen J. Abdul Hossen, “Generalized Method for Constructing Magic Cube by Folded Magic Squares”, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications(IJISA), Vol. 8, No. 1, pp.1-8, Jan. 2016. DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.


[6] Abd-alrazzq, Hussein Khalid, Mohammad S. Ibrahim, and Omar Abdulrahman Dawood. "Secure internet voting system based on public key kerberos." IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues 9, no. 2 (2012): 428-434.


[7] Abdul Monem S. Rahma, Abdul Mohssen J. Abdul Hossen and Omar A.Dawood, “Public Key Cipher with Signature Based on Diffie-Hellman and the Magic Square Problem”, Eng. &Tech. Journal, Vol.34,Part (B), No.1,2016.


[8] Omar A. Dawood, Abdul Monem S. Rahma, Abdul Mohssen J. Abdul Hossen, “New Variant of Public Key Based on Diffie-Hellman with Magic Cube of Six-Dimensions”,  International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security (IJCSIS), Vol. 13, No. 10, October 2015


[9] Rafid S. Abdulaziz, Omar A. Dawood and Ali M. Sagheer, “Conditional Secure Reconstruction Of Embedded Secret Approach In Folded Magic Cube With Six Dimensions”, REVISTA AUS, Vol. 26, No.2, pp. 387-395, DOI:10.4206/aus.2019.n26.2.47/ www.ausrevista.com/


[10] Rafid S. Abdulaziz, Omar A. Dawood and Ali M. Sagheer, “Developing A Secret Sharing Scheme Depending On Magic Cube And Linear Lagrange Interpolation Mathematical Basis”, REVISTA AUS, Vol. 26, No.2, pp. 289-296, DOI:10.4206/aus.2019.n26.2.35/ www.ausrevista.com/


[11] Seddiq Q. Abd Al-Rahmana, Ali M. Sagheer and Omar A. Dawood, “Propose A Lightweight Block Cipher Algorithm For Securing Internet of Things”, REVISTA AUS, Vol. 26, No.2, pp. 297-305, DOI:10.4206/aus.2019.n26.2.37  www.ausrevista.com/

[12] SHK Aldhaibani, OA Dawood, “A Novel Ensemble Machine Learning Approaches for Sickle cell Disease based on Classification Techniques”,


[13] Waleed Kareem Awad, Omar A. Dawood, Mohamed Khalaf, Hussein K. Almulla, “Secure Data Storage in The Cloud With Enhanced Symmetric Block Cipher Design”, REVISTA AUS, Vol. 26, No.2, pp. 574-582.


[14] Dawood, O. A., H. Almulla, and S. Khan. "Sleeping Encryption Unit in the Integrated Air Defence Systems." Advances in Military Technology 14.2 (2019).

المحاضرات العلمية

السلسل المادة اسم المحاضرة المرحلة التحميل مشاهدة
1 حوسبة وسائط متعددة مقدمة إلى JPEG الرابعة
2 حوسبة وسائط متعددة عمليات JPEG الرابعة
3 حوسبة وسائط متعددة عمليات متعرجة الرابعة
4 حوسبة وسائط متعددة 4th JPEG-LS الرابعة
5 حوسبة وسائط متعددة 5th 1-D Haar الرابعة
6 حوسبة وسائط متعددة حساب المتوسط والتفاضل الرابعة
7 حوسبة وسائط متعددة ضغط الفيديو MPEG الرابعة
8 حوسبة وسائط متعددة ضغط الفيديو H.261 الرابعة
9 حوسبة وسائط متعددة طبقات فيديو MPEG الرابعة
10 حوسبة وسائط متعددة تيار الحركة الرابعة
11 حوسبة وسائط متعددة دفق الفيديو الحركة الرابعة
12 حوسبة وسائط متعددة رمز التعريف الرابعة
13 حوسبة وسائط متعددة كود UPS الرابعة
14 Computer Security 1st Introduction Computer Security الرابعة
15 Computer Security 2nd Computer Security Layers الرابعة
16 Computer Security 4th Computer Security Malewares الرابعة
17 Computer Security 5th Computer Security Encryption الرابعة
18 Computer Security 6th Computer Backup الرابعة
19 Computer Security 7th Computer Disaster Recovery الرابعة
20 Computer Security 8th Computer Security Network الرابعة
21 Computer Security 9th Computer Security Policy الرابعة
22 Computer Security 10th Computer Security Legal Compliance الرابعة
23 Computer Security References الرابعة

الشهادات الاكاديمية


Educational Background

Date &Degree

Awarding Authorization


B.Sc.                27-01-2009

College of Computer, Anbar University

Computer Science



College of Computer Science & Information Security, University Of Anbar

Computer Science

Information Security (Cryptography)



University of Technology, Computer Science Department, Baghdad, Iraq

Computer Science

Information Security (Cryptography)


Ø Title of M.Sc. Thesis:

(Proposed Family of Advanced Encryption Standard AES Variants).


Ø Title of Ph.D. Dissertation:

(Development of Symmetric Cryptographic Models and Asymmetric Models Based on Magic Cube).




Master Theses Under My Supervision


1-   “Hybrid Lightweight Cipher Model”, By Student: Seddiq Abd Al-Rahman- Supervised by: Dr. Ali Makki & Omar A. Dawood, 2018-2019.


2-   “Secret Sharing Key Management Based on Magic Cube”, By Student: Rafid Sayhood AbdulAziz - Supervised by: Dr. Ali Makki & Omar A. Dawood, 2018-2019.


Ø Chapters:


[1] An Application of Using Support Vector Machine Based on Classification Technique for Predicting Medical Data Sets.


[2] Dawood O.A., Khalaf M., Mohammed F.M., Almulla H.K. (2020) Design a Compact Non-linear S-Box with Multiple-Affine Transformations. In: Khalaf M., Al-Jumeily D., Lisitsa A. (eds) Applied Computing to Support Industry: Innovation and Technology. ACRIT 2019. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1174. Springer, Cham


Ø Conferences:


[1] A. M. Sagheer, S. S. Al-Rawi, and O. A. Dawood. Proposing of developed advance encryption standard. In Developments in E-systems Engineering (DeSE), 2011, pages 197–202. IEEE, 2011.


[2] Omar A. Dawood, Othman I. Hammadi, “An Analytical Study for Some Drawbacks and Weakness Points of the AES Cipher (Rijndael Algorithm)”,  The 1st International Conference on Information Technology (ICoIT'17) Lebanese French University - Erbil, Kurdistan Region – Iraq 10th of April, 2017.


[3] Omar A. Dawood, A. M. Sagheer, and S. S. Al-Rawi, “Design Large Symmetric Algorithm for Securing Big Data”, 10th International Conference on the Developments in eSystems Engineering, 2nd –5th September 2018 Cambridge, England, UK, 978-1-5386-6712-5/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE.


[4] Omar A. Dawood, Othman I. Hammadi, Thaar Kh. Asman, “Developing a New Secret Symmetric Algorithm for Securing Wireless Applications”, 2018 1st Annual International Conference on Information and Sciences (AiCIS), Fallujah, Iraq, I Pages: 152 – 158, DOI: 10.1109/AiCIS.2018.00038 ©2018 IEEE.

[5] Seddiq Abd Al-Rahman, Ali Sagheer, Omar Dawood, “NVLC: New Variant Lightweight Cryptography Algorithm for Internet of Things”, 2018 1st Annual International Conference on Information and Sciences (AiCIS), Fallujah, Iraq, I, DOI: 10.1109/AiCIS.2018.00042, ©2018 IEEE.