بوابة التدريسي
نجيب محمد حسين (أستاذ مساعد)

دكتوراه في احياء مجهرية طبية ومناعة
علوم الاغذية - الزراعة

معلومات عامة


Full name: Najeeb .M. Hussein Al-dulimi

Position: / College of Science

Biology Dept. The / University of Anbar  

Date and place of birth: 1977, Ramadi -Anbar

Nationality: Iraqi

Address: Anbar  , Iraq

Knowledge of Languages: Fluent Arabic and English and Turkish  

Sex male  

E-mail: dr.najeb@uoanbar.edu.iq





البحوث العلمية



Immunological Effect of Capparisspinosa Extract and Iraqi Dates Vinegar in White Mice Infected with Pseudomonas Aeurogenosa.

AH Abulrazaq, MA Shehan, NM Hussein, M Hamad

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 10 (9)

study of cellular immune response in mice Balb/c teated with LPS of Klebsiella pneumonia antigen and Glycyrrhiza glabra extract.

NM Hussein, FH Musa, MA Shehan

Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1294 (6), 062095



Detection of Infectious Laryngotracheitis by real-time PCR in Baghdad

H mohammed

Research Journal of Biotechnology 14 (special issue), 1-5




Study of Humeral Immune Response and Some of the Blood Variables in Mice Balb/c Treated with LPS of Klebsiella pneumoniae Antigen and Glycyrrhiza glabra Extract.

MA Hamad, NM Hussein, OI Aljumaili

Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 10 (2)


Study of Virulence Factors in Urease-Positive Bacteria Isolated from Urinary Tract Infections Clinical Specimens

AS Dheyab, OI Aljumaili, NM Hussein

Journal of PurE and aPPliEd Microbiology 12 (3), 1465-1472




Effects of Lipopolysaccharides of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Aqueous Extract of Ginkgo Biloba, Ginkgoaceae, on Cellular Immune Response in Mice Balb/c

NM Hussein, MN Owaid, BH Khalaf

Gazi Medical Journal 29 (3)


Effects of lipopolysaccharides of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and extract of Ginkgo biloba, Ginkgoaceae, on cellular immune response in mice Balb/c

NM Hussein, MN Owaid, BH Khalaf


Effect of some   plant extracts on the activity of protease enzyme from Staphylococcus aureus which Isolated from clinical  samples (Accepted notication)


Isolation and diagnosis of bacteria causing urinary tract infection in children

Najeeb Mohammed Hussein 1 , Aysar .M. Atea 2, A.O.Humide , Qasim Khlaif Abdullah 4 , Saffana Mushref Hardan 5( Accepted notication)


Study of cellular immune response and some of the blood variables  In children with celiac disease (Accepted notication)



المحاضرات العلمية

السلسل المادة اسم المحاضرة المرحلة التحميل مشاهدة
1 مبادئ الاحياء المجهرية مقدمة في الاحياء الاحياء المجهرية الثانية
2 مبادئ الاحياء المجهرية تركيب الخلية البكتريا الثانية
3 مبادئ الاحياء المجهرية النمو في البكتريا الثانية
4 مبادئ الاحياء المجهرية زرع البكتريا الثانية
5 مبادئ الاحياء المجهرية التعقيم الثانية
6 مبادئ الاحياء المجهرية البكتريا الثانية

الشهادات الاكاديمية


• Ph.D. Degree, with grad (V .Good) 2016. Biological Sciences (medical microbuiology and immunity ) from collage of sciences – University of Anbar .

M.Sc. Degree Biology, with grade (Good), 2009 . in (microbiology and biotechnology) from collage of sciences – University of Anbar .

B. Sc. Degree, with grade (Good), 2000. from collage of sciences – University of Anbar .


الاشراف المشترك على طلاب الماجستير 

احمد سمير 

الاشراف على طالبة الماجستير هبة حسان 

الاشراف على طالب الماجستير مجيد عواد 

الاشراف على طالب الماجستير قتيبة عبد الرحمن 





·        Certificate of participation 1st Annual internation coference on information and sciences of University of  Fallujah

·        Certificate of participation 2st Annual internation coference on Biotechnolgy  and sciences of University of  Fallujah

·        Certificate of participation 1st Annual internation coference of life  sciences , University of  Anbar

·        Certificate of participation 3st Annual internation coference of information  technolog  and sciences of University of  Anbar

·        Certificate of participation 3st medical Scientic  coference of sciences of Anbar Heath Directorate

·        Certificate of participation 3st coference of Applied computing to support industry

·        Certificate of participation 4st Annual internation coference of   medical and technology Sciences , University of  Baghdad

·        Certificate of participation 3st coference of bioinformatics and squencing

·        Certificate of participation 1st coference of Applied Sciences University of Al-Qadasiya

·                    Training certificate for gene sequencing device from Sheikh Zayed Hospital in the Emirates

·Training certificate for flowctometery  device from Sheikh Zayed Hospital in the Emirates