Scientific Articles

Scientific Articles by title Woman in the British Society: The Emergence of Women Writers.

Scientific Articles by title Woman in the British Society: The Emergence of Women Writers.   2022-05-21   

 Scientific Articles by title Woman in the British Society: The Emergence of Women Writers. 

Dr. Afaf Sami Salih

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Scientific Articles by title The impact of magnetic techniques negatively and positively on the cells and tissues of the body (between fact and fiction)

Scientific Articles by title The impact of magnetic techniques negatively and positively on the cells and tissues of the body (between fact and fiction)   2022-05-17   

 Scientific Articles by title The impact of magnetic techniques negatively and positively on the cells and tissues of the body (between fact and fiction)


Assistant Professor Dr. Nedhal  Ibrahim lateff

Professor of animal histology and physiology in the Department of Biology

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Scientific Articles Diabetes Selenium and

Scientific Articles  Diabetes Selenium and   2022-05-11   

Assist. Prof. Dr. NAGAM KHUDHAIR MAHDI Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Diabetes   and Selenium 

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Academic article by title The feminine identity and struggle for subjectivity in Postmodern Fiction

 Academic article by title   The feminine identity and struggle for subjectivity in Postmodern Fiction   2022-05-10   

 Academic article by title   The feminine identity and struggle for subjectivity in Postmodern Fiction  

by Dr. Omar Mohammed Abdullah

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Scientific Articles by title Problems in the Pronunciation of English: Introduction

Scientific Articles by title Problems in the Pronunciation of English: Introduction   2022-05-01   

Scientific Articles by title Problems in the Pronunciation of English: Introduction 

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