Scientific Articles

An article entitled ((Medical fungi and their impact on human health))

An article entitled ((Medical fungi and their impact on human health))   2022-06-07   

An article entitled ((Medical fungi and their impact on human health))

by Hebat Allah Adel Abdulla AL-hamdani 

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Scientific article entitled Genocide in the Postmodern Era

 Scientific article entitled Genocide in the Postmodern Era   2022-05-28   

 Scientific article entitled Genocide in the Postmodern Era

 Inst. Dr. Elaff Ganim Salih

English Department/ College of Education for Women

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Scientific article entitled Bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract

Scientific article entitled Bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract   2022-05-27   

Scientific article entitled Bacterial infection of the gastrointestinal tract wafaa tali radef

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Scientific article entitled Genetic improvement of plants by genetic engineering

Scientific article entitled Genetic improvement of plants by genetic engineering   2022-05-26   

Scientific article entitled Genetic improvement of plants by genetic engineering 


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Scientific article entitled Pollution of the Euphrates River in the city of Ramadi: causes and responibilies

Scientific article entitled Pollution of the Euphrates River in the city of Ramadi: causes and responibilies   2022-05-23   


 Scientific article entitled Pollution of the Euphrates River in the city of Ramadi: causes and responibilies


Assist. Prof. Muhammad Musleh Sharqi 

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