College News

Education decides to include the births of 1996

Education decides to include the births of 1996   2022-09-10   

  Education decides to include the births of 1996 and those with an average of 90

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The scientific assistant's visit to our college to inspect the progress of the final exams

The scientific assistant's visit to our college to inspect the progress of the final exams   2022-09-03   

 The scientific assistant's visit to our college to inspect the progress of the final exams

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The scientific assistant’s visit to our college

The scientific assistant’s visit to our college   2022-09-01   

 The scientific assistant’s visit to our college to inspect the postgraduate exams

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Education announces the launch of the student guide for central admission

 Education announces the launch of the student guide for central admission     2022-08-31   

 The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announces the launch 

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Important announcement

 Important announcement   2022-08-31   

The postgraduate students accepted into our college for the academic 

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