College News

Detailed Vocabulary for Biology department

Detailed Vocabulary for Biology department   2023-01-31   

 Detailed Vocabulary for Biology department

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The Visit of the University President's Assistant of Scientific Affairs to our college

The Visit of the University President's Assistant of Scientific Affairs to our college   2023-01-24   

 Part of the President's Assistant follow up to the exams in our college

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Beginning of the second course of the postgraduate studies in our college

Beginning of the second course of the postgraduate studies in our college    2023-01-22   

 Beginning of the second course of the postgraduate studies in our college  

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Our college was honoured by a generous visit from the respected Rector to inspect the progress of the final exams in the college

Our college was honoured by a generous visit from the respected Rector to inspect the progress of the final exams in the college   2023-01-21   

 Our college was honoured by a generous visit from the respected Rector to inspect the progress of the final exams in the college

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first stage students starting in our college

 first stage students starting in our college   2022-11-27   

 Part of the new students of the first stage

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