Committee News
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  The Women's Affairs unit at the college of Education /Al-Qaim _Anbar University, in cooperation with the student Activities unit in our college, held a table tennis tournament 

educational posters 2024-05-11
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 In accordance with the directives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Women's Affairs Unit at the Faculty of Medicine published a number of educational posters

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The President of Anbar University honors the distinguished female teachers and employees at the university

awareness Campaign 2024-05-05
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 The Women’s Affairs Unit at the College of Law and Political Science - Anbar University 

Workshop 2024-05-05
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The Women’s Affairs Unit and the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at the College of Science at Anbar University, in cooperation with the Rehabilitation Center for Addicts in Anbar and th ....

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