Awareness seminar
Awareness seminar

 The Women’s Affairs Unit at the College of Arts at Anbar University established an electronic awareness symposium entitled (Protecting women and confronting the violence they endure) The lecture was attended by the teacher, Dr. Asma Ibrahim Abbas, and the teacher, Dr. Hoda Mukhaiber Sayyad. 

The workshop included a set of recommendations, most notably “seeking to instil anti-violence concepts in various age and social groups, as well as activating the role of deterrent laws against those who resort to violence, and the necessity of knowing the most important reasons leading to the spread of this phenomenon and working to avoid and get rid of it.” Many results were presented. Of which  Marital problems are among the most prominent forms of domestic violence, and a child who grows up in an environment in which his mother is violent is vulnerable to adopting these ideas in the future. The symposium also showed that societal awareness of such shameful behaviors reduces their occurrence, especially since many of these cases are accompanied by cases of addiction and loss of religious faith.” 
At the conclusion of the symposium, the floor was opened for discussion and questions to the attendees, who interacted positively with the symposium topics.
It is noteworthy that the Department of Women's Affairs in the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research has directed the holding of activities under the title (Protecting Women and Confronting the Violence to which they are exposed) to emphasize the importance of women's role in building an ideal society in which they obtain their rights and perform their duties with justice and respect.
May 30, 2024