
The Women’s Affairs Unit and the Psychological Counseling and Educational Guidance Unit at the College of Science at Anbar University, in cooperation with the Rehabilitation Center for Addicts in Anbar and the Directorate for Combating Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, organized an awareness workshop entitled “The Scourge of Drugs and their Negatives on the Health of the Individual and Society” on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at Ibn Sina Hall.  In the College of Science

 The workshop aimed to highlight the importance of educating students about the dangers of drugs to physical and mental health, introducing them to the legal measures taken against drug users and dealers, and highlighting the role of the family and society in preventing this scourge.

 The following gentlemen were present at the workshop:

 1. Professor Dr. Abdul Rahman Hamdi Shafi / College of Islamic Sciences.

 2. Captain Nimir Sami Anad, Director of the Rehabilitation Center for Drug Addicts in Anbar

 3. Legalist Marwan Muhammad Abdullah from the Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances Control Directorate in Anbar

 The workshop included an introduction to the dangers of drugs to health, where Captain Namir Sami Anad emphasized the great dangers of drugs to the health of the individual, noting that they cause many chronic diseases, such as heart, lung, and liver diseases, in addition to psychological and mental disorders.  Every individual in society must report drug dealers and users because this issue is everyone’s responsibility. We must all stand against this dangerous scourge.

 From the legal perspective, legal expert Marwan Muhammad Abdullah provided a detailed explanation of the legal measures taken against drug users and drug dealers, explaining the penalties imposed for each of these crimes.

 Regarding the role of the family and society in drug prevention, especially from a legal perspective, Professor Dr. Abdel-Rahman Hamdi Shafi pointed to the role of the family and society in drug prevention, by providing a healthy and safe environment for young people, promoting moral values ??and religious principles, and providing psychological support to young people, in addition to the sanctity of all  Narcotic types.