Guidance campaign
Guidance campaign

A traffic awareness campaign sponsored by the Dean of the College of Education for Human Sciences, A.  Respected Dr. Taha Ibrahim Shabib, and in reference to the directives of the University President, Professor Dr. Mushtaq Talib Al-Nada, to facilitate the task of the Community Police Department detachments - Anbar Division for awareness-raising lectures and the distribution of posters aimed at achieving a problem-free environment. The College of Education for the Humanities, in cooperation with the Community Police Department, established  Anbar, with the participation of the Follow-up Department, the Student Activities Department, and the Continuing Education Center at the University Presidency, the first (traffic awareness) guidance campaign on Tuesday, 3/5/2024, and in the presence of Mr. Brigadier General Abdul Razzaq Abdullah Nayef (Director of Community Police in Anbar, and Dr. Muhammad Hammoud Zidan, official of the Anbar Forums and the Studies Unit  The research campaign aims to raise traffic awareness among society, to reduce accidents, congestion, and traffic violations and the catastrophic consequences, negative effects, and material and human losses they cause. Mr. Brigadier General Abdul Razzaq indicated that the campaign includes field visits to traffic rounds in the secretariat and the governorates and the distribution of posters and awareness brochures about traffic awareness and the basics.  Traffic safety and the role of the traffic officer in securing the road and sparing pedestrians the problems resulting from traffic violations and the resulting tragic accidents.

 It kills many people.  As Dr. His Excellency Hamdi Suwaidan, head of the women’s empowerment unit at the college, pointed out the necessity of strengthening cooperation between the traffic police, the community and the university to achieve a safe traffic environment, within the framework of embodying the faith identity and the principles, values ??and ethics contained in Islamic law that enhance the safety of roads.