scintific sympsim
scintific sympsim

 Under the patronage of the Dean of the College of Pharmacy (Assist.Prof. Dr. Atheer Khalaf Zaghir),  and in the presence of the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs (Prof.Dr. Jassim Hammadi Hassan) and the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs (Lect.Dr. Jamal Ali Hammad), The Psychological and Guidance Unit in cooperation with the Women’s Empowerment Unit and the Clinical Pharmacy Branch, will hold a scientific symposium on Thursday, February 15, 2024, entitled:

(Stay away from drugs and toxins) 
 Delivered by (Dr. Mahmoud Majed Salman)? he explained the impact of drugs and toxins and their health risks and the impact of drug addiction and toxic substances on the individual and society and the social, economic and security damage they cause.
The symposium aimed to increase awareness, education, and dissemination of scientific information in the field of prevention and immunization of the youth group from the scourge of drugs and toxins because they are the foundation and pillar on which the future of Iraq is built. The symposium also addressed the most common types of drugs, as well as focused on the stages and causes of drug abuse and the health, social, economic and security harms of addiction to the individual and society.