Scientific Symposium
Scientific Symposium

 Under the patronage of the Dean of the College of Science, A. Dr.. The respected Ismat Ramzi, the Women’s Empowerment Unit at the College of Science held a scientific symposium entitled ((Domestic violence and violence against women: causes and treatments)) The symposium was delivered by Professor Dr. Akram Obaid Freih / College of Islamic Sciences, Khidr, Assistant Dean of the College of Science for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Ahmed Salman Obaid and the distinguished heads of scientific departments, a number of distinguished male and female teachers, and our daughters and sons, the students.on Wednesday, 12-6-2023. The focus of the symposium was domestic violence and violence against women, the causes and how they are addressed. Since violence has become a dominant feature of human life these days, violence is not only against women, but also against every human being in society. This may result in the repetition of violence across generations and the learning of children and other family members who may feel that such violence is acceptable Our Islamic religion forbids violence of all kinds. Prophet Muhammad, , forbade violence against women. He recommended goodness to women. The symposium received great interest from the attendees and great interaction with the topic of domestic violence because of its great importance in our lives